This is going to be a very exciting week in the development of my church vitality ministry.  On Saturday, January 12th, I will be presenting a training seminar in Costa Mesa, CA.  There’s nothing new about my making training presentations, but this time the training will be caught on tape.  A professional film crew is coming up from San Diego to capture the event in a multi-camera shoot.  Once edited, this live event recording will become the heart of a training format that will include both DVD and online options.

The one-day seminar is called G.O.1: Building Your Church’s Great Commission Matrix.  This is the standard starting point for pastors and church leaders who engage my training process.  For this event, the seminar has been expanded to include a full treatment of the Church Lifecycle and a full treatment of the Self-Discovery Church Assessment.  So G.O.1 has become G.O.1.X – the Expanded Edition.

This digital video resource will be a combination of two shooting sequences. First will come the live segments that will be recorded on January 12th.  Second will come a series of studio segments that will be recorded in a studio in Richmond, VA.  Once combined, the live and studio segments will provide a comprehensive resource for getting churches off to a quick start in building a Great Commission Matrix.  This is something I have wanted to do for years and I’m thrilled that the time has come.

One more thing – the first Go Cluster of ten pastors committing to a year of online training has been formed.  They will meet with me online nine times over the next twelve months for training and I will be coaching and consulting with them one-on-one between sessions.  My wife, Sharon, asked me if I thought this was the wave of the future. I told her, no, that it was just my catching up with the present.  The basic training curriculum for Go Clusters will be the G.O.1.X materials.

What a way to start 2013!