OK. OK.  I know I’m late getting this posted today.  This has been a historic and very busy morning.  At 10 am EST I hosted my first online training session.  I’ve had numerous meetings and consultations online in the past, but this was the first full blown training session.

So, how did it go?  Generally it went well and I’m very excited about the potential of this format in terms of ministry expansion in the very near future.  I felt that the presentation went well and there was good discussion and several great questions asked.  However, there were a few technological problems.

First, of the nine of us who were online, two or three were unable to be seen because the webcam display capacity apparently filled up.  I’ve had this many people on before, so I don’t know why this happened.  I’ll be in touch with GoToMeeting in the next day or so to figure that out.  We need everyone to be seen and heard when we’re in session.

Second, several of the participants were not using headsets but were just using the built-in mic and speakers on their computers.  Consequently there was too much background noise, white noise, a little echoing, etc., so this audio bug has to be worked out as well.  I think the problem would be solved if everyone was on a headset, but we’ll see.

Bottom Line:  We’re off on a new and promising digital adventure and I’m truly thrilled about the prospects that lay ahead.  Soon my training might be coming to a computer near you, maybe even yours!