I’m feeling pretty optimistic today.  For years I have been working toward publishing a variety of ministry resources and at last things are coming together.  After a planning meeting over the weekend, it looks like I am about a month or so away from publishing two eBooks.

The first is titled, Names Not Numbers: Getting to the Heart of Numerical Growth.  The core of this book was developed as my Ph.D. dissertation under the title, A Theology of Multiplication: From Multiply to Multitude.  This book was prompted by the hotly debated issue of numerical growth in the church.  Some say that numerical growth is the goal of the church, but in its extremes this line of thinking leads to compromise, syncretism and the proclamation of an easy Gospel.  Others say that decline in numbers is proof of their faithfulness, a demonstration that they haven’t compromised or watered down the Gospel, their red badge of courage.

The real issus is, “What does God say about numerical growth in His Word?”  God’s opinion is the only one that really matters and so God’s opinion is what I searched for.  Here’s a bottom line preview: Numerical growth in the church is not about numbers, it’s about names, each name representing someone who has come to faith through regeneration and conversion.

Secondly, I’m publishing The Silent Church: 39 Reasons We Keep the Good News to Ourselves.  This book is a compilation of some of the reasons that church leaders have given me over the years as to why their respective churches are not aggressively mobilizing ministry for outreach and evangelism.  It’s not a fun read, but it’s revealing and hopefully will lead some church leaders to take a hard look in the mirror and make some changes in this regard.

Also, I have been working with my friend and colleague Steve Ogne on a book for a couple of years, and the final draft of that book will be turned over to an editor by April 1.  The working title is simply, The Leadership Ladder.  This ladder is an memorable tool that Steve has developed over the years to drive a holistic approach to developing missional leaders.  I have taken what he has written and added research from other literature, a couple dozen or so text boxes of my insights, biblical support, and a gathering of “perspectives” from other colleagues. This book will be published in hard copy.

Once these three are fully completed and published, I will turn my publishing efforts to a book I have wanted to write for years that will fully lay out the Great Commission Matrix.

Alas, it seems that I will finally publish and not take this life’s work to my grave!