As I continue to work with church folks week after week, I consistently run into people who have difficulty sharing their faith.  The first challenge is to get church folks to buy into the “Go” of the Great Commission.  The second challenge is to equip them to share their faith when and if they actually go.

In recent weeks I have been considering the “I am” statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John.  Perhaps a study of these statements will help in being equipped to share the faith.

In Matthew 16, Jesus asks two questions: 1. Who do people say that I am, and 2. Who do you say that I am?  When we get to John’s Gospel, Jesus answers His own question, as follows:

John 6:  I am the bread of life.

John 8:  I am the light of the world.

John 8:  Before Abraham was, I am.

John 10:  I am the door.

John 10:  I am the good shepherd.

John 11:  I am the resurrection and the life.

John 14:  I am the way and the truth and the life.

John 15:  I am the true vine.

With these “I am” statements, Jesus reveals that He is God, that He is eternal, and that He is the one and only way to salvation.  That is the Gospel!