OK – I’m off on my quest to make disciples that make disciples that make disciples, etc.  Where to begin?  As I mentioned two weeks ago (sorry about last week – I was caught in a time crunch and never recovered), I have begun circulating my availability to be a discipler of disciplers, seeking the spiritually serious and the spiritually curious who are willing to commit to such an initiative.

Almost immediately, one young man made contact and we began meeting about a week and a half ago.  We met on a Friday to share a few stories and for me to lay out a plan.  By the end of the day, another young man who works with the first made contact and I had my first meeting with him this past Friday.

I have committed to a two-year plan of developing these young men as self-feeding Christians who are biblically and theologically sound, and who have the skills to share their faith effectively and to disciple others into being disciplers.  Though the entire process will take a couple of years, I expect these two to begin discipling someone else at about the three-month mark.

Years ago God spoke to me through His Spirit and led me to understand that, while I’m responsible for being a fisher of men, my primary calling is to be a fisher of fishers.  All of this is very refreshing and energizing for me and allows me to practice what I preach.

I’ll meet with each of these guys twice a month on average, and I’m praying for another three or four to commit to the process.  I figure if I lead six, and each of them leads six, and each of them leads six – you get the idea.

Please pray for us if we cross your mind in the coming weeks.